Monday, 3 December 2012

This is for you, yu and u.

Time passes for a reason
If it stood, still imagine what would never happen
People would be worse versions of themselves
And countries would never move on from their mistakes
Paradigm shifts would never occur
Nor would star crossed lovers find their paths.

I am of a lucky breed, this I know
Hated by many but treasured by more
Diversely wanting and innately craving
Truth from a soul and heart from the whole
Of a person so present their minds I nothing but adore.

The wholeness of your presence
The power of your essence
Humbled by everything you seem to do regardless.

I might be mumbling and rumbling but I’m glad it’s to you
I rarely find myself just speaking to thin air
But imagine how real it feels to have your scent in the air
All kinds of smells from you hug me and threaten to kidnap me
They send me to you - my captor - one who keeps me with such freedom
An open door for me to leave and a closed one when I’m in need
Somehow I contravene these misconceptions and enjoy your company
When you simply speak and express yourself unapologetically
If it's because I did something dumb or you simply expected better
My fears allayed but even at their height I chase helplessly after thee-
One who calms a troubled soul, one who contains the turbulence.

Aware of the perils in the waterfall, you jumped both feet in
Only to find a cold and callous soul
Yet you quickly knew this was just a rouse
Which you quickly set about to defuse
In real shock about how all of this turned out.

Sworn enemies in another life currently going out
Similarities and differences are few and far in between
I speak of expressing myself just that bit more freely
I may have lived a lie so long that I had started to believe it
I fought you with everything I had but too deep I kept sinking in
You have been so many things unto me I’m thinking you are an ET
So worry not when i keep calling you namesThat’s how many things you, yu and u, are to me.

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