Thursday, 4 April 2013

One For The Ladies.

When you are busy telling her
She is too skinny
She does not have hips
She is too wide
She is fat

Before you go on telling
Your girlfriend that
1st make sure that she is not the settler
Are you all she wants?
Are you even clean enough for her?
Are you her height?
Do you even treat her right?
Would you be insecure when you leave her with your friend, afraid that your friend will win her favour more than you ever could coz your friend is more of a gentleman?

Is it true when a man criticizes your appearance, he is actually worried about his own?
Or is he just being an a$$.
Are the girls who starve themselves  for a man, emotionally handicapped, or are they truly in love such that they do what their men want them to do?

And ladies, when a man says you are too thin, or too fat, and you start working towards pleasing him, despite the fact that you were perfectly healthy in the 1st place, what does that say about you, about him, about your so called ‘union’?
What happens if he dies tomorrow?

This is one for the ladies, telling them a real man (as much as they are ‘seers’ so to say), would know that with you, he has the world, and that beauty is on the inside.
And if its the case of you not looking as good as you used to, he would lose/gain that weight, with you, to show you support, and he would communicate it in a way that would never occur to you that you are doing this coz he said so.

Men, yours is next. 

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