Tuesday, 15 December 2015


So, I am sure most lads have no clue as to why women are crazy, angry, bitter, and you know, WOMEN!

Well, I am hoping some light will be shed today.

Women are raised by a society that tells them, "to show pain, and to speak of your uncomfortablity is a sign of weakness".
That is why most of us when asked, "Are you okay Darling?" ... the answer most often that not is, "I'm fine."

We never really have the guts to admit we are hurt.
We have been brought up to believe, that when you are hurt, you should 'handle it like a woman'. (Whatever that means.)

So we grow up with so many issues all pent up, never really being able to speak about issues that make us uncomfortable on a daily basis.
Then we meet 'Mr. Right'.

All is swell as we know how to treat him (our aunties have done their bit), we know how to allay his fears, and we even know how to calm him down when his tempers seem to rise.
We are in a happy place, we introduce him to the 'girlfriends'.

Then life happens, 'Mr. Right' says you aren't right for him anymore.
You are devastated. You cry yourself to sleep and after a week or so, you master the courage to tell your girlfriends.

Your girlfriends feel sorry for you, they may even take you out to show you a good time, but very few will ask you, "Hey, tell me how you really are."
It's not their fault at all, I mean, after all, you should be free enough with them to be able to let all those feelings out... but then again, you don't.

You take all those feelings, home. You tell yourself life has to go on. You start fake-smiling till you actually nail it. You start attending social functions. You start to slowly heal... 3 months... 6 months...
and before you know it, 1 year down the road, you are a happy soul.

You master the courage to speak about your ordeal at a bridal shower and your girlfriends are in awe.
"How could you go through such a tough ordeal?", A question, you cannot answer. You exchange hugs, and soon go back to giggling and laughing.

It is not long before you start realizing your girlfriends are hanging out with the man who single-handedly tore you to pieces.
You are mad. Fuming, but yet again, instead of displaying your true feelings, you feel your girlfriends will think you are trippin'. So you let that slide.

You let so many things slide, in the name of being mature, and one day you find out, your BFF had a thing with your Ex.
Before that sinks in, you tell your current boyfriend, and he just holds you, hoping you will feel better.
One day while the girls are having pizza, your girlfriend's phone rings and it is your boyfriend.
Yes, the one whom you are dating. (Thank God for Technology and contact IDs).

You did not know that they talk, you did not that they are friends. You wonder why either of them has kept this from you. You let it slide. But it bugs you too much and decide to confront your girlfriend.
She says that she never thought much of it, besides, you had not told the 'girls' that you were back in the dating scene till recently.

It still buggs you, and this time you confront 'bae'. He says they had a thing but swears that was before the two of you were serious.
Now, who is lying, who is telling the truth.

You take sometime off, go on a short vacation (read, movies and comfort food for a whole 3 days in your crib), and think about 'things'. Whilst thinking about things, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, all have notifications on the weekend you missed out on. Pictures of 'bae' and your girlfriend all over. Clearly an event you were not invited.

You start over-thinking but then again, you do not want to be the tripping kinda pal, so you double-tap and like the pics. Soon, convenient dates are set up and even all nighters. You are left out. You soon start getting the point. You pack your emotional bag and leave for Ecuador.

3 years later, you never really told your girlfriend what she was doing was hurting you (Yes, people, when I break up with a guy, we {meaning all my girlfriends} all temporarily break up with him too, until 'we' heal or otherwise).
Another bridal shower, we meet, we are older now, but this time round, you are not the one who is heart broken. It is your girlfriend.

Having being there once, you sympathize and just as you are about to cross over to the empathy side of the Sahara, she blubbers, "How can Shiro (another girlfriend who apparently did not make it to the bridal shower) do that to me? She knows I love him, why would she hang out with my Ex?"

You want to laugh at her but you hold it in. You look at her, she is actually, truly hurt. You almost want to remind her that what goes around........ but you don't. You hug her, hoping the hug makes her feel a little bit better.

They patch things up and Shiro immediately sends a whatsapp message "Bae and I are good, thanks lovelies for being there for me when I needed you most". We are genuinely happy for her, we even hook up on a Friday night to celebrate. You end up meeting Shiro's 'bae', and now you have a face to the name.

You are later added to similar groups on whatsapp. One cold December afternoon you get an IM, "I must confess, your eyes are to die for. I wonder how it feels to be lost in them". You do not know who this is, so you click on their whatsapp avatar. It's Shiro's bae.

You take a deep breath. You are mad that he even thought it was okay to make such a comment, but more mad that it's coming from your girlfriend's boyfriend. You scold him but he is shocked, he says you are the first to 'resist his charm'. You are so mad you want to tell Shiro, but immediately think that since she is a drama queen, you'd rather cushion the fall.

You find out how best to tell Shiro and she turns on you. Telling you how you are envious of what she has with her bae, and she even tells you to stay away from her. For good.
It kinda hurts, and you want to tell someone, but you cannot. You certainly cannot tell the girls 'cause you do not want them to have to choose between you two.

Now, imagine this... This woman who has grown up keeping all these things and more, inside, finally gets married. Barely a year after the honeymoon, she one day catches hubby flirting with a colleague. She finally explodes at the age of  40-something...

People who do not know her story will quickly pass judgement: "Why are all women crazy? What on earth would make such a woman so bitter?"