This is a special dedication to all my friends who lost loved ones in the beginning of this year, and especially those who have lost a Dad or a Mum, this year or in the past years.
The other day, I was thinking
The other day, I was thinking
No parent should have to bury their children
It is un-natural
But then again, losing a parent has to be the most painful thing on earth if you do not have kids yet.
All your parent was to you,
An anchor,
A mentor,
Your guide,
Your voice of reason.
To think all that is gone,
Is too much to bear, esp when you do not have a little one to pass the mentoring and the guiding to.
You see, when you have your own family, your kids, your husband/wife, at least you "try" to keep it together for them.
But if you are single... SMH.
Anyway, I have lost a parent and I still think of them every single day, believe it or not.
Sometimes I don't understand why people who come to grieve with you tell you to be strong, as in, why be strong? If there is ever a time for you to be broken, it's now, so that God can give you strength.
(Psalm 51:17 says "A broken and contrite heart Oh God, you will not despise ")
(Psalm 51:17 says "A broken and contrite heart Oh God, you will not despise ")
So when you ever get yourself in that place, where you want to scream and not give a damn about who hears, when you feel like a cold sword is pierced right through your heart every time you think of your loved one who has passed on,
When your heart races when you smell his/her scent,
Or when your eyes swell with tears when you pass by his/her bedroom,
Let go!
Fall down to the floor if you have to,
hug your knees if you have to,
wail if you have to.
For it is better to be broken now, than to realize 11yrs down the line, that you never got over the passing of your beloved mum/dad.
Then, only then, will you KNOW the importance of letting go, and being broken.