Those that have been abused, abuse others.
Those that say everyone whom they ever loved, went away,
push the ones that love them the most, away.
Those that preach against fornication, practice it behind
closed doors.
Those that put you down, admire you.
Those that say there is no such thing as love, throw true
love away, once they get it.
Those that mock you for being fat, end up fat.
Those that play "shy", actually aren't.
Those that hate you, cannot bear to unfriend / unfollow you.
Those that love too much, have hurt the longest.
Those that trust too easy, interact with people who break
their trust, repeatedly.
Those who are know-it-alls, are quite insecure with
themselves in-front of large crowds, and as a defense mechanism, feel the need
to collect all this information (true or not), so as to have something to offer.
Those that say, “I’m not photogenic, I hate pictures”, are
actually dying to get one. And when they do,
they share it.
Those that say, “It’s for charity”, announce they deeds all
over, even get the media in on it and advertisers too.
Those who said to you, “I will never love another, if it ain’t
you… it’s no one”, will move on so fast, you will be left choking up on the smoke
they left behind.
Those that tell you, “trust Jesus”, worry the most.
Those that cannot forgive others, cannot forgive themselves.